David and Sue Wilkinson's family tree

Welcome to our web site created using the facility contained within Family Historian V7. It is important to note that this work is ongoing and there will be errors, omissions, gaps etc. and we welcome any constructive feedback.

This web site contains details of many people with whom a connection has not been established, but they have been recorded in our search for wider family members and a plan to complete one name studies at some future date. At present we are slowly working through our database filling in gaps, updating sentences and citations, currently we are amending related people born in 1867.

People who are still living have been excluded in order to protect their privacy as have relatives of some closer members of our families at their request.

Click on Index to Everyone to start browsing details of all individuals except those still alive.

We hope you find this information of some value and we always welcome feedback. Please click on Contact to find an email address.

David and Sue Wilkinson 30th September 2024


We have drafted a chapter for our family history book on each of our grandparents and their direct ancestors, if you would like to view them, just click on a link below:-

Created with Family Historian 7